Creation Mandate of and Business
Theological Explorations Series
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The Exegetical Study of the Creation Mandate of Innovation and Business argues that the biblical creation narrative sets foundational principles for human creativity and innovation, with the image of God (Imago Dei) endowing individuals with inherent capacities for creativity, innovation, and dominion.
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Image: Conceptual Creativity and Innovation through an Exegetical Study – “Image visualized through OpenAI’s DALL-E.”
“God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'”
-Genesis 1:28, NASB-
Have you ever dreamed of creating your OWN website or an online business, writing about the things you love or would like to share? Check out the system I used to find success, or check out my article on My Path to Success, writing about the things I love and helping people,
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Creation Mandate of and Business
Theological Explorations Series
Image: Conceptual History of Innovation through an Exegetical study – “Image visualized through OpenAI’s DALL-E.”
Creation Mandate of and Business
Theological Explorations Series
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NASB: New American Standard Bible. (2020). Foundaion Publications, publisher for the Lockman Foundation.
Richter, S. (2007). A biblical theology of Creation Care – Asbury theological seminary.
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Van Duzer, J. (n.d.). The role of business in the creation mandate – Denver Institute for Faith and Work. The Role of Business in the Creation Mandate.
Wright, A. (2023, October 3). What is the creation mandate / cultural mandate?
Exegetical Study of the Creative Mandate Innovation and Business
Theological Explorations Series
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Exegetical Study of the Creation Mandate Innovation and Business
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