Creation Mandate of and Business

Theological Explorations Series


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 The Exegetical Study of the Creation Mandate of Innovation and Business argues that the biblical creation narrative sets foundational principles for human creativity and innovation, with the image of God (Imago Dei) endowing individuals with inherent capacities for creativity, innovation, and dominion.

Explores the integration of these capacities in modern business practices and technological advancements, advocating for sustainable and ethical approaches. Contends that aligning business and technology with the Creation Mandate adheres to a divine calling and promotes sustainable, ethical, and holistic development, contributing to human flourishing and responsible stewardship of the earth.
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Innovation and Purpose in Business: Insights from the Creation Mandate in Genesis 1-2

In the opening chapters of Genesis, the Creation Mandate not only narrates the origins of the world but also intricately weaves principles profoundly relevant to contemporary business and technology (Genesis 1-2, NASB).
Revealing God as the ultimate innovator and Creator, setting a precedent for human creativity and innovation.
This paper proposes that humanity, created in God’s image, permeates with unique abilities for creativity, innovation, and dominion, distinct from God’s creation ex nihilo (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:15, NASB).
Human innovation, emerging from the diversity of God’s creation and reflective of the Imago Dei, is an inherent right and a divine calling (Staff, God creates and equips people to work 2025).
Genesis 1:28 (NASB 2020) is central to this exploration, framing our creative and innovative capacities as rights and responsibilities (Bradley, 2016).
This essay analyzes how technological and business advancements, underpinned by these biblical principles, can align with sustainable and ethical practices, demonstrating the enduring relevance of ancient wisdom in modern business practices and innovations.

The Creation Mandate Tenets

To unravel more insight into the guiding principles of the Creation Mandate, one must consider its biblical roots and historical interpretations, especially concerning the inherent right to innovate. This mandate captures the essence of God’s directive to humankind as His image-bearers, as beautifully depicted in Genesis 1:26-27 (NASB).
It is not limited to population growth but is also a divine commission to cultivate, develop, and innovate within the earth’s resources and cultural creativity (Edgar, 2025). Fundamentally, being made in the ‘image of God’ infers relational, moral likeness and participation.
While God creates from nothing, humans create from something, utilizing the materials and possibilities inherent in God’s creation, building upon each discovery, connection, and innovation; God stirs humanity’s heart, revealing through epiphanies throughout the ages and generation upon generation (Berkun, 2010).
This creative mandate underlines our role as stewards and innovators empowering, exploring, and enhancing the world through technology and business endeavors to cultivate the land, cultures, governing bodies, and technology to support growth and to increase the populations throughout the earth (Staff, God creates and equips people to work 2024).
In this light, every act of human innovation mirrors, in a finite way, the infinite creativity of the Creator. Therefore, exploration of technology and business should not be considered secular or profane activities but expressions of our divine calling to reflect God’s creativity.
As image bearers, the ethical and responsible use of technology in business becomes a tangible manifestation of this guiding principle, grounding innovations in a purpose that transcends mere functionality or profit, aligning instead with the stewardship and care entrusted to humankind by God (Genesis 1-2, NASB).
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Image: Conceptual Creativity and Innovation through an Exegetical Study – “Image visualized through OpenAI’s DALL-E.”

Role of Innovation and Creativity

The Creation Mandate in Genesis lays the groundwork for human development and technology adoption. This mandate, spoken and blessed by God into humanity, extends beyond the directive to populate the earth; it encompasses a call to cultivate and steward the resources in creation that God has provided for us (Wright, 2023).
From the earliest times, this has involved innovation – from the establishment of agriculture and the development of tools to the formation of societies and the rise of civilizations (Jackson & Kennard, 2017).
The Bible shows God’s engagement and guidance within humanity throughout these developments, from guiding the Israelites in establishing their tribes and kingdoms to the diverse expressions of human creativity seen in the Scriptures. King David’s psalms, for instance, reflect a deep appreciation of creation, hinting at a divine mandate to care for and creatively engage with the world (Psalm 19:1, NASB).

“God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'”

-Genesis 1:28, NASB-

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Creativity and innovation are reflections of the Imago Dei – being made in the image of God. This concept suggests that human creativity is a divine attribute mirrored in our capacity for innovation and problem-solving (Wright, 2023).
The Genesis narrative illustrates God’s creative power, and humans, made in His image, have continually demonstrated creativity in various forms, evident in how humans learned to clothe themselves, build shelters, and develop hunting techniques. After the fall of man, even more speaks of God’s continued love and care for his fallen children by dressing them first (Genesis 3:21, NASB; Lew-Levy et al., 2017).
The progression from creating the first tools to significant achievements like the rocket ship demonstrates an ongoing innovation journey inspired by our divine calling to discover, develop, and improve, each generation building and improving on the last innovation (Berkun, 2010; Jackson & Kennard, 2017).
Modern technology offers numerous examples of innovation aligning with the Creation Mandate (Wright, 2023). Developing sustainable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, reflects a commitment to responsibly stewarding the earth’s resources.
Advances in medical technology, which improve and save lives, demonstrate the application of creative intelligence to meet critical human needs since the fall of man (Genesis 3, NASB). The evolution of communication technologies, from the printing press to the internet and smartphones, exemplifies humanity’s ongoing quest to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate more effectively (Jackson & Kennard, 2017).
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Purpose of Business in the Creation Mandate

The Creation Mandate, as interpreted through biblical scripture, frames business not merely as an economic activity but as a divine calling (Wright, 2023). This perspective is rooted in the belief that being created in God’s image (Imago Dei) imbues humanity with creativity and a capacity for stewardship (Gen 1:26-27, NASB).
In this context, business is an extension of this divine mandate but a platform to exercise creativity, innovation, and responsible dominion over the resources provided by God (Van Duzer, 2024).
Biblical accounts, such as the guidance of the Israelites from tribal formation to kingdom establishment, highlight a progression of human societal development and structure under divine guidance (Wright, 2023).
King David’s psalms, for example, express profound reverence for creation (Psalm 19:1, NASB), underscoring the sacredness inherent in all creative human endeavors, including business.

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The mandate’s call to “subdue” the earth Gen 1:28 (NASB) is viewable as a directive for responsible stewardship. In a business context, this translates to ethical practices, corporate responsibility, and sustainability (Morales, 2024). These practices are not just modern concepts but are deeply rooted in the biblical call to care for and cultivate the earth (Richter, 2007).
Ethical business practices involve fair trade, responsible resource management, care for the environment, and the well-being of communities — reflecting God’s care for creation as demonstrated throughout biblical history, from the Garden of Eden to the guidance provided to humanity post-fall in learning to clothe, shelter, sustain themselves and grow into thriving communities possessing, distributing and advancing technology and knowledge from entertainment to life-changing innovations (Richter, 2007; Staff, Ethical business practices principles, benefits, and examples 2023).
Integrating faith and biblical principles into modern business practices involves seeing work as a form of worship and a means to serve Heavenly Father. This integration encourages businesses to transcend the pursuit of profit as their sole objective and to consider their broader impact on society and the environment as humanity progressed from using essential tools to achieving feats like space exploration and advanced medicine with each innovation, a witness to the divine call to creatively and responsibly use the resources and knowledge.
This perspective fosters a business ethos that values innovation not just for economic gain but as a contribution to human flourishing under God’s leadership. This perspective fosters a business ethos that values innovation not just for economic gain but as a contribution to human flourishing under God’s leadership.

Creation Mandate of and Business

Theological Explorations Series

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Image: Conceptual History of Innovation through an Exegetical study – “Image visualized through OpenAI’s DALL-E.”

Technology in Modern Business and Innovation

Technology is essential in modern business, shaping how companies operate, innovate, and compete. The Creation Mandate’s stewardship and responsible dominion principles have significant implications for how technology is developed and utilized.
Today’s advancements, from artificial intelligence to blockchain, are tools for economic progress and avenues for fulfilling our divine calling to steward the earth and serve society. The integration of sustainable practices in technology, such as green computing and renewable energy tech, echoes the biblical directive to care for creation.
Understanding innovation and creativity as part of the Creation Mandate influences the design, adaptation, and application of technology in business. It encourages companies to develop technologies that drive growth, address ethical concerns, and contribute positively to society.
As businesses continue to harness technology for efficiency and innovation, aligning these efforts with the principles of the Creation Mandate ensures that technological progress supports human flourishing and environmental stewardship.
Future trends in technology, such as quantum computing, bioengineering, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), and augmented reality, offer vast potential (Staff, What is quantum computing? 2024; Mridha et al., 2021; CADENCE, 2023).
If guided by the principles of the Creation Mandate, these advancements can lead to ethical, equitable, and sustainable outcomes. Businesses that embrace this directive will thrive economically and contribute to a better world, embodying the biblical call to innovation and responsibility.

Creation Mandate of and Business

Theological Explorations Series


By viewing business as a divine calling and embracing ethical practices, companies can align their operations with the principles of stewardship and creativity inherent in the Imago Dei. The ongoing role of technology in business, when guided by these biblical principles, has the potential to foster economic success, societal well-being, and environmental sustainability.
Integrating the wisdom of the Creation Mandate into contemporary business practices and technological advancements is more than a moral imperative; it is a blueprint for a future where business and technology serve higher purposes, echoing the profound ethics and creative spirit of the Genesis narrative.
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Berkun, S. (2010). The Myths of Innovation. O’Reilly.

Bradley, Dr. A. (2016, October 10). A Christian perspective on innovation and economic growth. Institute For Faith, Work & Economics.

Cadence PCD Solutions. (2023, October 12). The advantages and challenges of

biodegradable electronic components.

Edgar, W. (n.d.). The creation mandate. The Gospel Coalition.

Jackson, M., & Kennard, D. (2017). 10 – Connections (TV series) – Yesterday, Tomorrow and You. Dailymotion. Dailymotion. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from

Lew-Levy, S., Reckin, R., Lavi, N., C Azkarate, J., & Ellis-Davies, K. (2017, October 9). How do hunter-gatherer children learn subsistence skills? – human nature. SpringerLink.

Morales, M. (n.d.). The Great Commission in The Old Testament by L. Michael Morales. Ligonier Ministries.

Mridha, M. F., Das, S. C., Kabir, M. M., Lima, A. A., Islam, M. R., & Watanobe, Y. (2021). Brain-Computer Interface: Advancement and Challenges. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 21(17).

NASB: New American Standard Bible. (2020).  Foundaion Publications, publisher for the Lockman Foundation.

Richter, S. (2007). A biblical theology of Creation Care – Asbury theological seminary.

Staff. (2023, October 14). Ethical business practices principles, benefits, and examples. Ethical Marketer.

Staff. (n.d.-a). God creates and equips people to work (genesis 1:26-2:25). Theology of Work.

Staff. (n.d.-b). What is quantum computing?. IBM.

Van Duzer, J. (n.d.). The role of business in the creation mandate – Denver Institute for Faith and Work. The Role of Business in the Creation Mandate.

Wright, A. (2023, October 3). What is the creation mandate / cultural mandate?

Exegetical Study of the Creative Mandate Innovation and Business

Theological Explorations Series

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Exegetical Study of the Creation Mandate Innovation and Business
Creation Mandate of innovation and Business
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